QCFI Hyderabad Chapter

TPM Introduction

TPM, Total productive Maintenance, is a form of productive maintenance involving all people.

It's about three decades ago that the Japanese industry had started implementation of TPM and was promoted by Japanese Institute of plant maintenance (JIPM).

TPM was originally used by equipment users but it is being used increasingly by equipment manufacturers also. It is also being used beyond production departments to encompass R&D and administration and supporting depts. like sales etc.

Interest in TPM is growing rapidly worldwide and people are realizing that TPM is one of the keys to high productivity, excellent quality, low costs and short lead times.

TPM basically took roots in automotive industry and rapidly became part of corporate culture in company's such as TOYOTA, NISSAN,MAZDA and their suppliers, affiliates. Later it has been introduced in industries like machine tools, consumer appliances, plastic, film etc .Increasing number of process industries ,refineries, chemicals, pharmaceuticals have introduced TPM.

Initially TPM activities were limited to departments directly involved with equipment related to production. As administrative and support departments while actively supporting TPM activities are now applying TPM increase effectiveness of their own departments and also in product development and sales dept.

The following are the reasons why TPM has become popular in Japan and outside Japan. In USA also many companies like ALCOA, AT&T, P&G, TIMKEN, HARLEY-DAVIDSON etc. During the year 2010, 20 Companies have won TPM Excellency award from JIPM.

Learning through interactive sessions, syndicate exercises and group activities (discussions, case studies etc). It is conducted in-house and as workshop course content

  • 5-S’
  • Kaizen
  • Concept of TPM
  • Importance of visual management
  • Tag system
  • Autonomous Maintenance
  • Manager’s Model.
  • Productive Maintenance
  • Quality Maintenance
  • TPM Circles - SGA
  • One point lesson
  • Process capability
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness
  • GTT. study.
  • TPM in office
  • How to implement in systematic way and sustain it.